The We Cancerve Movement, Inc.
Bringing swift solutions to children in sad situations because happiness shouldn't have to wait!

Nael Shakur
Hobbies: sailing, golf, playing video games with friends, especially the racing ones, reading and making music in his free time with his sister​
"A fun fact about me is that I love making comics with my friends. I also LOVE to travel and learn about other people and cultures. I’ve been to four countries so far and can’t wait to visit more!"
Nael Shakur, 13
Passion Area: Children Experiencing Homelessness
Nael Shakur, 13, is a member of the all-youth board of advisors of the We Cancerve Movement, Inc., a nonprofit that brings happiness to children experiencing homelessness, catastrophic illness and food insecurity, who are in foster care, group homes and orphanages, and to unaccompanied minors. He will enter eighth grade in Fall 2025.
He leads the award-winning nonprofit's Snack Attack food drive and Eggstra Special Easter Bagskits projects, which provides snacks to children experiencing homelessness, fighting catastrophic illnesses and aging out of foster care. He's also appears as a regular cast member on the nonprofit's children's TV show, On the Move with We Cancerve. Inspired by Nael's leadership of the 2024 Eggstra Special Easter Bagskits project, the Baltimore Orioles named We Cancerve a 2024 Birdland Community Hero and awarded the youth a $5,000 grant. He also contributed to the nonprofit being named a 2024 Elevate Prize GET LOUD Award winner, which came with a $10,000 grant.
Nael's volunteer experience outside of We Cancerve, mostly consists of helping his mother in her quarterly food drives. They collect shelf-stable items from friends and neighbors and donate them to those with food insecurities. He also volunteers with the Arts Collective in Havre de Grace, The Hosanna School Museum, Havre de Grace Colored School Museum and Cultural Center and supports their work in bringing art and history to Harford and Cecil Counties.
"I like community service because I want to help make a greater impact on this world. I want to help people in need because I feel so fortunate and want to pay it forward," he said. "I like community service because I want to help the world become a better place. I want to help the world to evolve with happiness and kindness."
Nael is also a Boy Scout and loves going camping with his fellow scouts. He is looking forward to earning his Eagle Scout badge in a few years. Basketball is his favorite sport, and he also really enjoys sailing and golfing