The We Cancerve Movement, Inc.
Bringing swift solutions to children in sad situations because happiness shouldn't have to wait!

Milkin' It
A loose change fundraiser benefitting homeless children in Baltimore and Harford County
When We Cancerve learned in 2014 that Eastside Family Emergency Shelter in Rosedale, Md., consumes a lot milk -- so much that they often run out of milk for breakfast and to use for cooking - we decided to take our own loose change and buy a few gallons of milk. Now, other youth - and some adults - have joined our project!
We sponsor this annual fundraiser in the weeks leading up to National Homeless Youth Awareness Month and National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week. The fundraiser is held the first Monday in October through the first Monday in November. Delivery is made in mid-November.
To date, we've collected more than $1,200 in loose change and donated it to area homeless programs that provide shelter to homeless children. In addition, a portion of the money is used to purchase several gallons of milk that's delivered to
Eastside Family Emergency Shelter in Rosedale.
Imagine how many glasses of milk a homeless shelter needs a day to serve with breakfast and dinner for children in their care? We found out that shelters that help homeless families with meals need a gallon of milk every other week for every child they house. Here's how a shelter can easily use a half gallon of milk each week per child: