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Eggstra Special Easter 'Bagskits'

Children who are hospitalized won't experience the joy of waking up in their bedroom, rushing to the family room, kitchen or front porch and finding there an Easter basket filled with treats. Finding a basket full of treats, toys and spring clothes is the experience We Cancerve founder remembers from her childhood; that is, until she almost missed the opportunity because she was hospitalized really close to Easter.  It was from her experience - at age seven - that she realized that Easter treats can be received just about anywhere including a hospital room. So, she created the Eggstra Special Easter bagskits project to bring happiness to homeless, sick and foster children.  To date, We 

  Cancerve has donated 3,191 Eggstra Special Easter Bagskits to children in Maryland and Delaware.


      If you'd like children to learn about the plight of homeless, sick and foster children while having fun helping them, 

        this project is for you and your group!


           Step One

           Contact We Cancerve and let us know you're interested in this project. We Cancerve will provide the bags.

             Please let us know how many bags you'd like to sponsor; that helps us manage donations to ensure all places

               we support receive gifts!


                   Step Two

          On the front of each bag is a coloring page that either your youth can color before gluing it to the bag, or your      group can decide to glue a blank coloring page to the bag. That way, the children who receive the bags can color the    image.  We Cancerve will provide a coloring pages packet; we've carefully selected images that comply with the rules of the places we support.


Step Three

Establish a collection drive to ensure you have enough of the following items to put in each bag: 

  • Plastic eggs filled with at least 2 pieces of candy (at least 3 plastic eggs per bag)

  • Chocolate bunny or duck

  • Individually wrapped candy

  • Spring-themed trinkets like pencil or a squishy ball (be cautious of choke hazards)

  • Small toys like a small container of bubbles (again, please be cautious of choke hazards)

  • Mounds of faux grass


Step Four

Sponsor a stuffing party! Invite your participants and We Cancerve to a great space that allows you set up an assembly line to fill the bags. It's best if you glue blank or colored pages onto the bags before the stuffing party. It's really important that all bags are stuffed with same or similar items of the same quantity. We Cancerve will make every effort to ensure your bags go to the same recipient organization.


Step Five

Place labels on the back of each bag that let's our recipients know that your organization has teamed with We Cancerve on this project.  We Cancerve can provide those labels. We'll work with you on the details.


Step Six

Would you like your youth to help us deliver the bags to the shelters, hospitals and to youth in foster care? Let us know. We'll make every effort to arrange this opportunity.


Ashlee Brockwell 2019

Ashlee Brockwell 2019

Ashlee joined other We Cancerve volunteers at the Blind Industries and Service of Maryland teen get together to stuff bagskits in Spring 2019.

Seeing with Our Hearts

Seeing with Our Hearts

We Cancerve teamed with teens at the Blind Industries & Services of Maryland on a massive stuffing party for children at domestic violence safe houses and in pediatric hospitals.

Foster Care Giveaway

Foster Care Giveaway

We Cancerve sponsored its first massive Eggstra Special Easter Bags-kits giveaway for Harford County Department of Social Services' foster children in 2019. We teamed with Stewartstown UMC in Pennsylvania in stuffing more than 200 bags for area foster children.





Foster Care Giveaway

Foster Care Giveaway

We Cancerve sponsored its first massive Eggstra Special Easter Bags-kits giveaway for Harford County Department of Social Services' foster children in 2019. We teamed with Stewartstown UMC in Pennsylvania in stuffing more than 200 bags for area foster children.

Seeing with Our Hearts

Seeing with Our Hearts

We Cancerve teamed with teens at the Blind Industries & Services of Maryland on a massive stuffing party for children at domestic violence safe houses and in pediatric hospitals.

Foster Care Giveaway

Foster Care Giveaway

We Cancerve sponsored its first massive Eggstra Special Easter Bags-kits giveaway for Harford County Department of Social Services' foster children in 2019. We teamed with Stewartstown UMC in Pennsylvania in stuffing more than 200 bags for area foster children.

We Cancerve Volunteer

We Cancerve Volunteer

Joining other We Cancerve volunteers at the Blind Industries and Service of Maryland teen get together to stuff bagskits in Spring 2019.

Seeing with Our  Hearts

Seeing with Our Hearts

We Cancerve teamed with teens at the Blind Industries & Services of Maryland on a massive stuffing party for children at domestic violence safe houses and in pediatric hospitals.

Foster Care Giveaway

Foster Care Giveaway

We Cancerve sponsored its first massive Eggstra Special Easter Bags-kits giveaway for Harford County Department of Social Services' foster children in 2019. We teamed with Stewartstown UMC in Pennsylvania in stuffing more than 200 bags for area foster children.

Harford Day School 2017

Harford Day School 2017

Here Chickie Chickie!

Here Chickie Chickie!

Tiny Toes Boutique brought little chicks into their shop for admiring eyes and friendly little hands. They collected candy for We Cancerve.

Foster Care Giveaway

Foster Care Giveaway

We Cancerve sponsored its first massive Eggstra Special Easter Bags-kits giveaway for Harford County Department of Social Services' foster children in 2019. We teamed with Stewartstown UMC in Pennsylvania in stuffing more than 200 bags for area foster children.

Harford Day School 2017

Harford Day School 2017

Harford Day School 2017

Harford Day School 2017

Harford Day School 2017

Harford Day School 2017

Harford Day School 2017

Harford Day School 2017

Harford Day School 2017

Harford Day School 2017

Harford Day Girl Scouts

Harford Day Girl Scouts


Upper Chesapeake Delivery

Upper Chesapeake Delivery


Upper Chesapeake Delivery

Upper Chesapeake Delivery

Harford Day Girl Scouts 2016



Upper Chesapeake Delivery

Upper Chesapeake Delivery

Harford Day School Girl Scouts 2016

AI Dupont Hospital Nemours Delivery

AI Dupont Hospital Nemours Delivery


Board Member Lexi Bell

Board Member Lexi Bell

Far left, hosts stuffing party at her house. 2016

Delivery to Teen Girls in Foster Car

Delivery to Teen Girls in Foster Car


Delivery to Teen Girls in Foster Car

Delivery to Teen Girls in Foster Car


Johns Hopkins Hospital

Johns Hopkins Hospital


Johns Hopkins Hospital

Johns Hopkins Hospital


Board Members Unite

Board Members Unite

Marco Nandalal, Grace Callwood, Erin Acerno and Sahil Menon join together in support of the stuffing party at Fountain Green Elementary School. 2016

Board members plus one

Board members plus one

Ronald McDonald House Delivery

Ronald McDonald House Delivery


It's Sweet to Serve

It's Sweet to Serve

It's Sweet to Serve

It's Sweet to Serve

Seeing with Our Hearts

Seeing with Our Hearts

We Cancerve teamed with teens at the Blind Industries & Services of Maryland on a massive stuffing party for children at domestic violence safe houses and in pediatric hospitals.





"I want to make kids smile. I think that foster and homeless kids especially might be used to disapointment. But I want to change that. I think our Eggstra Special Baskets can do that. We Cancerve collects baskets, little Easter toys, plastic eggs and individually-wrapped candy to donate to foster and homeless children. Our goal this year is to donate 100 baskets." -- Grace Callwood, February 2014


"My favorite memories at Easter is being surprised, every time, that I got a toy or candy in a basket. I want other children, especially sick, foster and homeless children, to be happy and surprised the way I was."  -- Grace Callwood, April 11, 2014 

We Cancerve Movement, Inc. (c) 2025
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