The We Cancerve Movement, Inc.
Bringing swift solutions to children in sad situations because happiness shouldn't have to wait!

Marco led a project among 5th graders at Harford Day School and collected 81 Books & Buddies in March 2017.

Grace Callwood sits with one of the very first donated Books & Buddy

Mario Nandalal delivered 36 sets to the Ronald McDonald House in Baltimore in 2018.

Marco led a project among 5th graders at Harford Day School and collected 81 Books & Buddies in March 2017.
Books & Buddies
Chemo treatments can be long and boring so We Cancerve donates "Books & Buddies" to help young children pass the hours of infusions.
Books & Buddies was inspired by a school local library assistant, Mrs. Joanne Lhotsky, who happened upon We Cancerve's activities in the news in 2014. She contacted us via email and shared that she, her children and her elderly mother put together a few gifts to give to children undergoing cancer treatment. We Cancerve Founder Grace Callwood met her at a local Barnes & Noble and was in complete awe to see the items. On that day, "Books & Buddies" was born.
A new book with a new stuffed animal that matches the book's main character are stuffed in a clear ziplock plastic bag and presented to hospitalized children at the end of February each year. Schools, churches and businesses sponsor these kits for hospitalized children.
As of February 2022, thanks in large part of the generous donations of the Harford Day School community, We Cancerve has donated more than 476 Books & Buiddies to area hospitalized children.
Contact us today to begin a collection for children we support most often at the University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Hospital in Bel Air, and the Hematology and Oncology clinics at Sinai Hospital and Johns Hopkins Hospital, Hackerman-Patz House and the Ronald McDonald House in Baltimore.